Source code for golosscripts.golos_helper

import logging
import re
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

from golos import Steem
from golos.account import Account
from golos.amount import Amount
from golos.converter import Converter
from golos.dex import Dex
from golos.instance import set_shared_steemd_instance
from golos.utils import parse_time
from golos.witness import Witness

[docs]STEEMIT_BANDWIDTH_AVERAGE_WINDOW_SECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 # 7 days
[docs]STEEMIT_100_PERCENT = 10000
[docs]STEEMIT_VOTE_REGENERATION_SECONDS = 5 * 60 * 60 * 24 # 5 days
[docs]timeshare_weight = 5
[docs]top19_weight = 1
[docs]witness_pay_normalization_factor = 25
[docs]key_types = ['owner', 'active', 'posting', 'memo']
[docs]post_entry = namedtuple('post', ['author', 'permlink', 'id'])
[docs]bandwidth = namedtuple('bandwidth', ['used', 'avail', 'ratio'])
[docs]feed = namedtuple('feed', ['owner', 'price'])
[docs]emission = namedtuple( 'emission', [ 'worker', 'witness', 'vesting', 'content', 'top19', 'timeshare', 'virtual_supply', 'current_inflation_rate', 'total',
], )
[docs]log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class GolosHelper(Steem): """ Helper class for Golos which implements additional methods. Please see base class documentation on instantiation. .. note:: On instantiation this class calls :py:func:`golos.instance.set_shared_steemd_instance`! This means all your golos objects like ``Account()`` etc will use that instance. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) set_shared_steemd_instance(self) self.converter = Converter() self.dex = Dex() @staticmethod
[docs] def parse_url(url: str) -> post_entry: """ Parses an url to exctract author and permlink. :param url: URL to post/comment :rtype: post_entry """ result ='@(.*?)/([^/\ #$\n\']+)', url) if result is None: raise ValueError('Wrong URL') else: author = permlink = post_id = '@{}/{}'.format(author, permlink) return post_entry(author, permlink, post_id)
[docs] def get_bandwidth(self, account: str, type_: str = 'market') -> bandwidth: """ Estimate current account bandwidth and usage ratio. :param str account: account name :param str type_: 'market' used for transfer operations, forum - for posting and voting, custom - custom ops """ acc = Account(account) global_props = self.get_dynamic_global_properties() account_vshares = Amount(acc['vesting_shares'])['amount'] delegated_vshares = Amount(acc['delegated_vesting_shares'])['amount'] received_vshares = Amount(acc['received_vesting_shares'])['amount'] account_vshares = account_vshares - delegated_vshares + received_vshares log.debug('{:.<30}{:.>30.0f}'.format('account_vshares:', account_vshares)) # get bandwidth info from network if type_ == 'market': account_average_bandwidth = int(acc['average_market_bandwidth']) last_bw_update_time = parse_time(acc['last_market_bandwidth_update']) elif type_ == 'forum': account_average_bandwidth = int(acc['average_bandwidth']) last_bw_update_time = parse_time(acc['last_bandwidth_update']) elif type == 'custom': raise NotImplementedError # seconds passed since last bandwidth update elapsed_time = (datetime.utcnow() - last_bw_update_time).total_seconds() max_virtual_bandwidth = int(global_props['max_virtual_bandwidth']) log.debug('{:.<30}{:.>30.0f}'.format('max_virtual_bandwidth:', max_virtual_bandwidth)) log.debug( '{:.<30}{:.>30.0f}'.format( 'max_virtual_bandwidth, KB:', max_virtual_bandwidth / STEEMIT_BANDWIDTH_PRECISION / 1024 ) ) total_vesting_shares = Amount(global_props['total_vesting_shares']).amount log.debug('{:.<30}{:.>30.0f}'.format('total_vesting_shares:', total_vesting_shares)) # calculate bandwidth regeneration if elapsed_time > STEEMIT_BANDWIDTH_AVERAGE_WINDOW_SECONDS: new_bandwidth = 0 else: new_bandwidth = ( (STEEMIT_BANDWIDTH_AVERAGE_WINDOW_SECONDS - elapsed_time) * account_average_bandwidth ) / STEEMIT_BANDWIDTH_AVERAGE_WINDOW_SECONDS # example code to estimate whether your new transaction will exceed bandwidth or not # trx_size = 1024*2 # imagine 2 KB trx # trx_bandwidth = trx_size * STEEMIT_BANDWIDTH_PRECISION # account_average_bandwidth = new_bandwidth + trx_bandwidth account_average_bandwidth = new_bandwidth log.debug('{:.<30}{:.>30.0f}'.format('account_average_bandwidth:', account_average_bandwidth)) # c++ code: # has_bandwidth = (account_vshares * max_virtual_bandwidth) > (account_average_bandwidth * total_vshares); avail = account_vshares * max_virtual_bandwidth used = account_average_bandwidth * total_vesting_shares log.debug('{:.<30}{:.>30.0f}'.format('used:', used)) log.debug('{:.<30}{:.>30.0f}'.format('avail:', avail)) used_ratio = used / avail log.debug('{:.<30}{:.>30.2%}'.format('used ratio:', used_ratio)) # account bandwidth is actually a representation of sent bytes, so get these bytes used_kb = account_average_bandwidth / STEEMIT_BANDWIDTH_PRECISION / 1024 # market ops uses x10 bandwidth if type_ == 'market': used_kb = used_kb / 10 log.debug('{:.<30}{:.>30.2f}'.format('used KB:', used_kb)) # available account bandwidth is a fraction of max_virtual_bandwidth based on his portion of # total_vesting_shares avail_kb = account_vshares / total_vesting_shares * max_virtual_bandwidth / STEEMIT_BANDWIDTH_PRECISION / 1024 if type_ == 'market': avail_kb = avail_kb / 10 log.debug('{:.<30}{:.>30.2f}'.format('avail KB:', avail_kb)) if used < avail: log.debug('has bandwidth') else: log.debug('no bandwidth') return bandwidth(used_kb, avail_kb, used_ratio)
[docs] def get_market_price(self, type_: str = 'bid') -> float: """ Get current market price GBG/GOLOS from internal Dex. :param str type_: bid or ask :return: price as float """ ticker = self.dex.get_ticker() if type_ == 'bid': price = ticker['highest_bid'] elif type_ == 'ask': price = ticker['lowest_ask'] return price
[docs] def get_min_price(self) -> float: """Get GBG/GOLOS minimal price (limit by chain).""" props = self.get_dynamic_global_properties() sbd_supply = Amount(props['current_sbd_supply']) current_supply = Amount(props['current_supply']) # libraries/chain/database.cpp # this min_price caps system debt to 10% of GOLOS market capitalisation min_price = 9 * sbd_supply.amount / current_supply.amount return min_price
[docs] def get_price_feeds(self) -> List[feed]: """Get current price feeds as reported by witnesses.""" witnesses = self.get_active_witnesses() witnesses = [Witness(i) for i in witnesses] # add price key for i in witnesses: base = Amount(i['sbd_exchange_rate']['base']).amount quote = Amount(i['sbd_exchange_rate']['quote']).amount try: i['price'] = base / quote except ZeroDivisionError: pass feeds = [feed(i['owner'], i['price']) for i in witnesses if 'price' in i] feeds = sorted(feeds, key=lambda k: k.price) return feeds
[docs] def get_witness_pricefeed(self, witness: Union[str, Dict]) -> float: """Obtain current published price for single witness.""" if isinstance(witness, str): witness_data = Witness(witness) else: witness_data = witness base = Amount(witness_data['sbd_exchange_rate']['base']).amount quote = Amount(witness_data['sbd_exchange_rate']['quote']).amount # whether witness not exists yet, return 0 if quote == 0: return 0 price = base / quote return price
[docs] def estimate_median_price(self) -> float: """Calculate new expected median price based on last median price feed.""" last_feed = self.get_feed_history()['price_history'][-1] base = Amount(last_feed['base']).amount quote = Amount(last_feed['quote']).amount price = base / quote return price
[docs] def get_voting_power(self, account: str) -> float: """ Calculate real voting power instead of stale info in get_account() :param str account: account name :return: voting power 0-100 """ acc = Account(account) vp = acc.voting_power() last_vote_time = parse_time(acc['last_vote_time']) elapsed_time = datetime.utcnow() - last_vote_time regenerated_power = STEEMIT_100_PERCENT * elapsed_time.total_seconds() / STEEMIT_VOTE_REGENERATION_SECONDS current_power = min(vp + regenerated_power / 100, 100) return current_power
[docs] def calc_inflation( self, start_block_num: Optional[int] = None, stop_block_num: Optional[int] = None, virtual_supply: Optional[float] = None, worker_percent: Optional[int] = None, witness_percent: Optional[int] = None, vesting_percent: Optional[int] = None, precise_rewards: bool = False, ) -> emission: """ Calculate inflation in range from start block to stop block. :param int start_block_num: start block :param int stop_block_num: stop block :param float virtual_supply: initial virtual_supply :param int worker_percent: worker fund inflation percent (0-10000) :param int witness_percent: witness pay inflation percent (0-10000) :param int vesting_percent: vesting inflation percent (0-10000) :param bool precise_rewards: calculate precise witness reward; precise but slow; Gives a little better results (difference is very low) :return: new emission detailed data for requested period """ props = self.get_dynamic_global_properties() if start_block_num is not None: start = start_block_num else: start = props['head_block_number'] if stop_block_num is not None: stop = stop_block_num else: days = 1 delta = timedelta(days=days) stop = start + int(delta.total_seconds() / STEEMIT_BLOCK_INTERVAL) log.debug(f'calculating inflation from block {start} to {stop}') if virtual_supply is not None: _virtual_supply = virtual_supply else: _virtual_supply = Amount(props['virtual_supply']).amount log.debug('current virtual_supply: {:,.0f}'.format(_virtual_supply)) if worker_percent is not None and witness_percent is not None and vesting_percent is not None: _worker_percent = worker_percent _witness_percent = witness_percent _vesting_percent = vesting_percent else: log.debug('Using inflation distribution percents from median props') # get inflation params median_props = self.get_chain_properties() _worker_percent = median_props['worker_reward_percent'] _witness_percent = median_props['witness_reward_percent'] _vesting_percent = median_props['vesting_reward_percent'] worker_reward_per_period = float() vesting_reward_per_period = float() witness_reward_per_period = float() content_reward_per_period = float() top19_reward_per_period = float() timeshare_reward_per_period = float() new_steem_total = float() start_inflation_rate = STEEMIT_INFLATION_RATE_START_PERCENT inflation_rate_floor = STEEMIT_INFLATION_RATE_STOP_PERCENT while start < stop: inflation_rate_adjustment = start / STEEMIT_INFLATION_NARROWING_PERIOD current_inflation_rate = max(start_inflation_rate - inflation_rate_adjustment, inflation_rate_floor) new_steem = _virtual_supply * current_inflation_rate / (STEEMIT_100_PERCENT * STEEMIT_BLOCKS_PER_YEAR) if precise_rewards: worker_reward = new_steem * _worker_percent / STEEMIT_100_PERCENT witness_reward = new_steem * _witness_percent / STEEMIT_100_PERCENT vesting_reward = new_steem * _vesting_percent / STEEMIT_100_PERCENT content_reward = new_steem - worker_reward - witness_reward - vesting_reward witness_reward = witness_reward * STEEMIT_MAX_WITNESSES if start % 21 == 0: witness_reward = witness_reward * timeshare_weight witness_reward = witness_reward / witness_pay_normalization_factor timeshare_reward_per_period += witness_reward else: witness_reward = witness_reward * top19_weight witness_reward = witness_reward / witness_pay_normalization_factor top19_reward_per_period += witness_reward new_steem = content_reward + vesting_reward + witness_reward worker_reward_per_period += worker_reward content_reward_per_period += content_reward vesting_reward_per_period += vesting_reward witness_reward_per_period += witness_reward _virtual_supply += new_steem new_steem_total += new_steem start += 1 if precise_rewards: total = ( worker_reward_per_period + vesting_reward_per_period + witness_reward_per_period + content_reward_per_period ) else: worker_reward_per_period = new_steem_total * _worker_percent / STEEMIT_100_PERCENT witness_reward_per_period = new_steem_total * _witness_percent / STEEMIT_100_PERCENT vesting_reward_per_period = new_steem_total * _vesting_percent / STEEMIT_100_PERCENT content_reward_per_period = ( new_steem_total - worker_reward_per_period - witness_reward_per_period - vesting_reward_per_period ) total = new_steem_total data = emission( worker_reward_per_period, witness_reward_per_period, vesting_reward_per_period, content_reward_per_period, top19_reward_per_period, timeshare_reward_per_period, _virtual_supply, current_inflation_rate / STEEMIT_100_PERCENT, total, ) return data