Overview -------- This package containts reusable parts being used by scripts. * :py:class:`~golosscripts.golos_helper.GolosHelper` - implements additional high-level methods for Golos * :py:class:`~golosscripts.bitshares_helper.BitSharesHelper` - performs various price calculation using bitshares orderbooks * :py:class:`~golosscripts.feed.Feed` - class for witnesses, it implements all calculations to provide GBG price feed * :py:mod:`~golosscripts.functions` - price-caclulation functions to calc BTC, gold, and other prices * :py:class:`~golosscripts.monitor.Monitor` - implements witness node monitoring to provide fault-tolerant witness node setup Contents -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 pages/readme.rst pages/changelog.rst Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`